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Australian Horticulture Research Through LED Lighting Solutions

Tehchnilux Lighting Technology
Australian Horticulture Research Through LED Lighting Solutions

A well-known company from Sweden — Heliospectra recently announced one news that they received from Australian manufacturer and Researcher of controlled devices. They supply services and products to international Pharma industries. Heliospectra launched one product named — ELIXIA LED for horticulture. This LED lighting solutions help to cannabis grow-rooms. The Australia firm installed this LED grow light product into grow rooms to research on cannabis growth. After that many other organic cultivation companies in Australia installed this LED grow light in their farm and invested around USD 78,000. They said the cultivation results are amazing. This product works so much effective on plants.

It is used to control a plant’s growth environment as the third party. Using this LED lamp researchers can control all aspects of a plant’s growth such as nutrients, water, humidity, airflow, carbon dioxide, temperature, and light output. Researchers perform studies on all the characteristics that lead to cannabis growth. Their main goal to invest in this type of LED lighting is to achieve great harvest per square meter. As a result, it must be more cost effective and economical cannabinoid-based farming.

Source: commercial lighting

Tehchnilux Lighting Technology
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