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Diesel genset dealers in Karnataka

slvpower corpn
Diesel genset dealers in Karnataka

Slv power corporation is well known renowned Diesel genset dealers in Karnataka. We have  fully-equipped research and engineering facility and has the most advanced technology, latest software for design, development and upgrading of engines, systems and controls.

Slv power corporation is one of the reputed companies in the market. We are authorised dealer for COOPER and dealers for KIRLOSKAR, ASHOK LEYLAND, CUMMINS AND CATTERPILLAR Make diesel Generators rating from 5 KVA to 2000 KVA We have been counted amongst the most trusted names in this domain, engaged in manufacturing and supplying of  Diesel Generators. We provide consistently delivered reliable and high quality products to meet the power requirements of different market segments including telecom, construction, IT / ITES, retail, hotels, hospitals, banking and finance and manufacturing at very competitive costs.

SLV power corporation are skilled in offering a comprehensive range of Power Factor Correction Panels for LT APFC Panel. These panels provide back-up protection and safe operation and are therefore applicable in various sectors.


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slvpower corpn
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