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Customized IT Solutions

shane mike
Customized IT Solutions

Customized IT Solutions to grow your business

The objective of an adequate Computer Support and Maintenance in SMEs is to prevent and solve computer problems quickly and efficiently.


In this sense, it is necessary to follow a series of guidelines to achieve maximum performance in the Computer Maintenance Service:

Initial diagnosis: to carry out an optimal service, it is necessary to carry out a prior audit of the company's technological infrastructure.

Preventive Computer Maintenance: it is important to periodically review the computer equipment in order to avoid serious future incidents that could cause possible loss of critical data, as well as the economic impact and loss of time for the company itself.

Computer Corrective Maintenance: when a computer problem is detected, solutions are diagnosed and searched, first with remote support , and if this is not possible, with in-person support . In this way, it is intended that the impact time that may cause damage to the company is as small as possible.
Customized solutions focused on the computing needs of the company.


shane mike
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