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Should you hire a local transcriptionist?

Expert Info Services LLC
Should you hire a local transcriptionist?

Today we can focus instead on other revenue creating or generating tasks for your business.

However, there are other factors that you should consider such as local language, accent, and speech patterns.

Local professional services can definitely help with easier and more accurate transcribing services as their historical work experience would match with local culture, accent, slang, jargon, diction, etcetera.

However, with the advent of global shipping and delivery companies, the spotlight is more on efficiency, accuracy, competitive pricing, and timeliness.

Since we’ve moved on to digital recordings from tapes, microcassettes, disk drives, etcetera, and since there are a whole lot of avenues to share access to digital audio or video material anywhere in the world, geographical distance is no longer a criterion.

The two most important things to look for in a Professional Transcription Company are optimization of your time and money.

By auto-delete, it means having a scheduler tool or a software program in place that will automatically, permanently erase all the customer’s materials upon approval from the customer.

Expert Info Services LLC
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