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Knowledge Management Strategies for Successful Project Collaboration

Jay Davis
Knowledge Management Strategies for Successful Project Collaboration

Collaboration is vital to the successful stewardship of any project, regardless of the industry or sector in which you operate. But no matter how good you are at wrangling large teams or conveying your desired achievements, ensuring that people work together effectively is impossible without the help of certain tools.

Two decades ago the cost of not being able to find knowledge efficiently was costing businesses $12 billion annually. Today, IDC estimates put this figure at over $31 billion, indicating that no organization can afford to overlook the need to facilitate cohesive collaboration by any means.

This is where knowledge management comes into play, providing you with an opportunity to make sure that critical information can be shared and expanded upon over the course of a project. But what are some of the strategies and solutions you should pursue and are there any pitfalls to consider?

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Jay Davis
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