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Professional Home Cleaning Tips

Menage Total
Professional Home Cleaning Tips

The professional home cleaning tips are a major part of our life. Managing the House cleaning and to make it nice and clean is very important. Sometimes you have to gather strength if you are working from morning till the evening time. In fact, you have to prepare dinner to spend time with your kids and spouse.

Really it is very tough and not easy to find the exact energy and time to keep the house clean. Ménage Total professionals efficient and easy home cleaning tips are there you help when you need it the most. We are sure our professionals easy and efficient working home cleaning tips will help you ease down the burden of house cleaning. So let's start...

Tip No 1

Ironing the clothes is a task that can be simple but time-consuming as well. Some people hate it and some love it. By enjoying some music place a long strip of foil under the ironing board cover, By doing this you don't need to iron and press the other side of the clothes. By using this wonderful tip you will be ironing both sides of the clothes and saving time as well.

Tip No 2

As our tips are easy so mostly home ingredients that are easily accessible and available for cleaning are discussed in our post. Now the second cleaning tip is about cleaning and shining the mirrors. Use a half potato to shine and clean all the mirrors. Rub the surface with the potato, and wipe the mirror down with a wet fiber cloth and wipe it dry for a perfect sparkle and shine.

Tip No 3

Put one tablespoon of starch in 40 fl oz of water and clean and rub your windows with the homemade solution and wipe the windows down with a microfiber soft cloth and let it dry. You are easily done with a simple and efficient cleaning of the task.

Tip No 4

Remember before starting a house cleaning job it is very important to manage and gather the cleaning tools and stuff in one place. Put it in one plastic container and take it to you while you perform and simplify the cleaning tasks. By this way, you don't have to reach out and waste time for looking out for the cleaning tools and products. By this way, you can save yourself a lot of time.

Tip No 5

Cleaning the toilet is simple and easy ten minutes job if you know the simple trick. Use a toilet brush, baking soda, and vinegar to clean and shine the toilet. Firstly pour a cup of white vinegar in the toilet bowl and leave it for some time. Then add up a cup of baking soda with 1 to 2 cups of vinegar. Your easy and efficient cleaning solution is ready. Leave it for about 5 minutes and scrub and clean the toilet with the brush. Done you have completed another important cleaning task.


For more efficient and easy cleaning tips you can always contact us on our website. For further and updated content you can always look for us on our official Facebook, Twitter and Instagram account.

Menage Total
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