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Yoga Day 2019 – 5th International Yoga Day at Modi, the name of the country given this message

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Yoga Day 2019 – 5th International Yoga Day at Modi, the name of the country given this message

Yoga Day today in the entire world with more excitement is being observed. It using 5th International Yoga Day. The Hon'ble Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, by this Yoga Day main event of the Jharkhand capital of Ranchi is being done in. Not only by Prime Minister Modi this day of yoga on the auspicious occasion of the country people to the yoga arising from the many important things about told. He said that to sum up any type of age, color, race, sect, don't, the cult, Amiri-poverty, province, the outskirts of the distinguish of any, there is no need. Additionally, the country's Prime Minister, Modi said yoga is for everyone and we all of yoga is

Illness with wellness, pay attention to is also important

The country's Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi said that in today's time, according to the country of all citizens to the illness of the defense then must. And at the same time he wellness on even more should pay attention to. It's the thing they sum up the spirit of keeping in mind is. This Yoga Day on the country, Prime Minister Modi also said it is not necessary when you the ground or on mats, or half an hour take only if you have yoga experience can do.

The cities with the village side of the yoga to take will remain the first priority

Yoga Day on this auspicious day, he put more emphasis on us that more than this should try. This modern yoga we with cities, villages toward take to be. As well as Yoga Day at Modi in Jharkhand held during the program he told me (Narendra Modi) the sum of all of the country's poor citizens and tribesmen an integral part of the make. So that all people have a healthy living could. Because all those people more than disease of the Samaná has to. Yoga with the assistance of all citizens in any type of disease from around can find.

Chief Minister Raghubar Das and senior ministers did PM Modi welcome

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