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Y'know how everyone hated it when tuition fees went up? Cutting them now could harm science, say UK Lords

Geekz Snow
Y'know how everyone hated it when tuition fees went up? Cutting them now could harm science, say UK Lords

STEM subjects already lose universities £1,400 per student

Funding for scientific research could be in jeopardy if the UK government implements plans to cap tuition fees, peers have warned.

The House of Lords Science and Technology Committee report into higher education funding said the government should make up the shortfall if it cuts the maximum tuition fees to £7,500 per year from £9,250 at present.

That is the current proposal under the Augar Review into post-18 education and funding, intended to address the escalating costs of university education.

However, Lord Patel, chair of the committee, said: "The Augar Review has completely missed the mark by not considering research funding... By ignoring research and cross-subsidies, it has made recommendations which, if implemented, could prove harmful to the already challenging ecosystem of university funding.

"Without adequate research funding, the consequences for the UK will be devastating and the UK risks falling behind other countries.

Geekz Snow
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