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The Naim Mu-so Qb 2 is a compact streaming speaker for audiophiles

Geekz Snow
The Naim Mu-so Qb 2 is a compact streaming speaker for audiophiles

It was just a few months ago that I wrote about the Naim Mu-so 2, an update to one of the first high-end streaming speakers.

I’m currently in the process of testing that model, and it delivers remarkable sound quality in a soundbar-like body.

But for many spaces, it’s kind of overkill.

I’m just going to call it the Qb 2.

Naim is a premium audio company.

Like its bigger sibling, the Qb 2 can play music through Google Cast, AirPlay 2, Spotify Connect, Tidal, Bluetooth (SBC/AAC), UPnP, and Roon.

Geekz Snow
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