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Bose slashes the price on factory-renewed Bose Solo 5 TV sound system

Geekz Snow
Bose slashes the price on factory-renewed Bose Solo 5 TV sound system

Whether you’re snapping up an awesome deal on a 4K TV or re-directing your 401(K) funding for gaming glory with an 8K TV, you need a soundbar.

TV manufacturers can only go so far with virtual speakers and surround sound variations.

If you want audio quality that complements the on-screen content of 4K TVs and above, hook up a good soundbar for fully immersive entertainment.

Soundbar prices can reach their own atmospheric levels if you’re not careful, so we keep our eyes and ears open for the best deals to save you the effort.

Bose just dropped an outstanding deal on a factory-renewed Bose 5 TV sound system with the lowest price we’ve ever seen for this versatile one-piece sound system .

The Bose Solo 5 TV sound system measures 2.6-inches high by 21.6-inches wide by 3.4-inches deep.

Geekz Snow
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