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3 Helpful Tips for Testing an Android Application to Beginners

Wxit Consultant Services
3 Helpful Tips for Testing an Android Application to Beginners

Users are already well versed using Mobile devices and when they can use applications with their mobile devices they never prefer searching and scrolling with their other devices. Mobile devices are pretty smarter these days which can ensure that enhanced applications can be provided to mobile users. This has made it possible for businesses to own their specific mobile application for gaining right online popularity online. These days merely having web application is not sufficient, if you wish to gain right online existence, it is must to have your own mobile business application which can effectively target smart and potential users of mobile devices. An experienced android developer from Android Application Development Company can help you with this.


The developement of mobile application depends on the technology and platform it is to be designed. Development of Android apps is totally different from other development of iOS apps. Android devices are smarter and advanced devices that brings in standard and more enhanced applications and features and thus it is important than enhanced android applications are designed for such devices.


Android app development process is really a challenge as it involves enhanced steps. Its testing is another essential aspect because of its fragmented nature.


1.   Test for Different Android Devices -

With rise in popularity of Android, development in android has also become popular. For survival in Android ecosystem, it is important to understand the mobile device configurations and its hardware environment. Often developer has to customize apps as per the devices on which it is to be used. Even when there are different versions of android, developer need to design a standard application which can run well on multiple devices. It is important to understand that there is no standard size of screen or processor, in spite of this it is important to ensure that android mobile application can run well with greater consistency on different Android devices. Once you have already done designing your android devices, you must make sure that it does not crash. Try running your android application on at least two different android devices.


2.    Ask Your Friend and Family to Help You in Testing -

Further before the launch of android application for your users online, you must consider testing of your Android app with your friends and family. You can ask your family and friends to help you with this. This is a social affair and you can share your developed application with more and more people in your circle that are proud owner of Android powered devices. They can run your applications and let your know if it’s fine or not. This will help you test your android application on different devices and different versions of android devices. With this the app will automatically be tested for android platforms.


3.    Look for Android developer community –

In the online world, there already exist android developer community. This is a community which has a group of expert android developers. If you don’t have many friends using android devices, simply look for experts from android community. They can help you test your application and find all errors that must be eliminated to make your android application look better.


When it is about android application, the process of its development is not accomplished until the final process of testing and debugging is completed. Even when each process is completed perfectly, the final design is not perfect until the testing process is completed properly. When you avail services of Android App Development in Kuwait, it is ensure by developers that testing and debugging is completed before the final launch.

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