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Firebase Is What You Need To Launch an App

Rooney Reeves
Firebase Is What You Need To Launch an App

The most successful apps, those featuring remarkable user experiences and business transforming results, aren't created overnight. And honestly speaking, app development in actual can be an exhausting process. Nevertheless, there are a lot of services available around capable of assisting well in different ways. Firebase is popular among all, it takes away a major chunk of the burden from the developer’s shoulder.

Firebase is a framework that was anticipated to be a real-time database providing its APIs, allowing users to save as well as sync information across various customers. In other words, when one user updates his or her record in the database, then that particular update would be projected to all users whether it is the website or a web application. So, it basically acts as a unified platform featuring a bunch of amazing features so that developers need not configure their server while using Firebase. The framework takes care of everything automatically. Now did you know that it was the first individual and later on taken over by Google, that’s almost after two years?

Let’s go through some of the top benefits of using Firebase

Hosting- Production-grade web content helps the developers in an effective manner when it comes to sending apps and static content to CDN. This can be done by simply using one command and the process turnouts to be extremely easy as Firebase consists Auto Provisioned SSL (Security Socket Layer) certificate ideas, customized domain support, etc. Overall, hosting provides the best features and tools that are customized to build and manage static websites.

Authentication- With the help of Firebase authentication process, instant UI libraries, backend services, simple to utilize SDKs can be considered for the ease of your end users. It supports authentication utilizing username, email ids, or passwords. Apart from this, developers are even allowed to let users sign in to their Firebase application either by utilizing FirebaseUI as a drop in authentication solution or by utilizing the Firebase Authentication SDK to manually incorporate sign-in techniques into the Android app development

Cloud Messaging- Being a cross-platform messaging solution, cloud messaging allows users dependably send messages at literally no cost. Yes, you heard me right “No cost at all”. Besides, you can even allow your customers to know that a new message or some other type of information is accessible for synchronization. Moreover, developers can send notifications to engage users and drive maintenance.

Test Lab- As the name simply implies, test lab is used for testing the app on the device posted in a Google data center. The feature also assists developers in finding issues with only happen on specific device configuration. Test Lab result consists of videos, images, logs, etc. that are available in your project in the Firebase console. Moreover, the feature is quite capable of practicing your app on the constant basis and will look for crashes even if you didn’t compose any test code for your app.

Notifications- With firebase, mobile app developers will get to focus on user notifications. Well, you definitely have a choice of choosing either a basic coding work to start or graphical console to send messages.

Invites-Anyone would love to increase their users and compel them to download your application. And trust me, the word of mouth advertising stands out from the crowd no matter what! Customized messages can be easily sent to all your prospective clients

Real-time database- Firebase itself being a cloud-hosted database offers the best benefit of storing information as JSON and can be synchronized continuously to every related customer. This turns out to be very true when you develop cross-platform apps with Android, iOS, JavaScript SDKs, etc. By making effective use of Firebase Real-time database feature, there will be no need to build your own database or API as the Framework and one can easily manage all the parts which generally come along by creating a backend for applications. In addition to this, it provides a flexible and expression based rules language to describe how organized your data should be and when the data should be scrutinized from or created to.

Storage- Do you as a developer feel the necessity to store and serve user-curated content such as images and videos? Storage feature provides safe document transfers and downloads for Firebase apps no matter how bad the network quality is. Whether the need is to save images, audios videos, and other user-curated content. Supported by Google cloud storage, Firebase storage is extremely cost- affordable.


Almost, all features can be utilized and implemented while making use of Firebase. However, they have their own restrictions and trade-offs. But if you have a business app to be built, look no further than Firebase.

Rooney Reeves
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