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20 Tasks to Outsource to a Digital Marketing Virtual Assistant

Remote Workmate
20 Tasks to Outsource to a Digital Marketing Virtual Assistant

You can do all this yourself to cut costs, but unless you’re a digital marketing specialist by trade, you still need to learn the complexities of putting together a marketing strategy (possibly from scratch).

The good news is that with Remote Workmate you can easily hire a virtual assistant to take care of anything related to marketing for you.

They’re capable of handling a wide range of tasks including but not limited to:

to take care of anything related to marketing for you.

From researching topics and resources to update existing posts, a marketing VA can oversee the daily management of your blog.

#3 Making a content marketing strategy

Remote Workmate
Zupyak is the world’s largest content marketing community, with over 400 000 members and 3 million articles. Explore and get your content discovered.
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