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HokuApps Automation Pillars help Deploy Technology Solutions in Weeks

Vinay Bobade
HokuApps Automation Pillars help Deploy Technology Solutions in Weeks

HokuApps, a Rapid Application Development (RAD) platform, is fast emerging as the preferred partner for organizations looking towards digital transformation to scale up their businesses and improve operational efficiency.

The platform stands out from the crowd with its cutting-edge automated technology engine that facilitates the development of complex solutions within days or weeks instead of months.

HokuApps’ ability to transform ideas and needs into innovative business applications ten times faster than any other competitor can be attributed to its key differentiating features:

– An extensive library of pre-built business modules incorporating top ideas and best practices for different business verticals

– A huge collection of drag-and-drop technology components, such as GPS tracking, maps, payments, and QR Code scanning, to meet general business needs

– Cross-platform technology that allows any app or workflow solution built on the platform to automatically work on iOS and Android operating systems as well as the Web

Vinay Bobade
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