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Why the world needs to think about a healthy heart sooner than later?

Damien Troy Matcham
Why the world needs to think about a healthy heart sooner than later?

Millions of people across the globe die out of a heart stroke every year and the number is increasing with every coming day. That said, there is a dire need to bring along certain changes in the overall lifestyle of human beings around to avoid such cardiovascular issues. Even though medical science is there with its advanced treatments and medicines, they can’t really counter the threat posed by all these heart-related issues. So what really can be done in the same regards? Damien Troy Matcham, one of the famous cardiologists from Australia, quotes down the following measures to bring out better heart health.

  1. Eat a balanced diet

You really got to take care of your overall dietary regimen in order to ensure better heart health, you must try going along with a healthy and balanced dietary regimen. This can be done whilst including all the right nutrition in the form of healthy proteins, carbs, fats and fibers on a daily basis. As per Damien Troy Matcham, once you will start going with a healthy diet, you can save yourself from a number of health diseases in the process.

  1. Keep a tab on your cholesterol

Damien Matcham also says that cholesterol isn’t something that can be taken care of through a healthy diet as almost 80 % of the cholesterol is made by the liver. This is where it’s always good to check the cholesterol levels every week. If we talk about the ideal cholesterol levels, that has to be around 200mg/DL or lower.

  1. Avoid high blood pressure

Damien Matcham further quotes that almost every person around comes through a high blood pressure issue and the same can be credited to the corrupt eating habits. Damien Troy Matcham says that the ideal number is 120/80 and you must keep checking your blood pressure every now and then to ensure better heart health in the process.

  1. Exercise regularly

Damien Matcham Tasmania also emphasizes big time on daily exercising and he suggests mild exercising 3- 4 times a week for every human being around. This, as per him, will keep the whole body, and not only the heart, healthy in the same.

Damien Troy Matcham
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