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Top 5 Interesting things to do in Jaipur in One Day

Rahul Sharma
Top 5 Interesting things to do in Jaipur in One Day

Jaipur – the Pink City of India is the major hotspot of travelers in the country where they often plan their halt during Golden Triangle Tour circuit which connects the city with Delhi and Agra. These cities together form a triangle on the map of India and thus it is named as Golden Triangle India Tour. Besides being a part of the triangle circuit, Jaipur is the capital city of Rajasthan which displays the warm hospitality of the royal state and reflects the rich cultural heritage of Rajputana clans of yesteryear. Right from the fascinating hill forts to the majestic architectural designs of palaces and other architectures, everything in the city is quite a tempting treat for every kind of travelers.

If you are someone who is planning a one day Jaipur Sightseeing Tour, then here are suggested some of the topmost interesting things to do in Jaipur in one day from which you can choose the one that matches your interest. Let’s check the range –

Temples visit – The city is surrounded by many spiritual attractions that allure the travelers through its fascinating architectural style. However, there are so many temples in Jaipur by the most prominent ones like Galtaji Temple, Shri Govind Dev ji Temple, Birla Mandir, and Moti Doongri Ganesh Temple could be the best ones to include in your One Day Jaipur Temple Tour.  

Forts and Palaces Tour – Crowned with many marvelous heritage attractions especially the forts and palaces that are always a part of city sightseeing tour. The forts and palaces of Jaipur show the most about the history and heritage of Rajasthan. You can include Amer Fort, Nahargarh Fort, Jaigarh Fort, City Palace, Jal Mahal, and Hawa Mahal in your One day Jaipur fort and palaces tour.

Cycling in the morning – What could be more amazing then cycling in the early morning pleasant atmosphere and discover the tiny streets and lifestyles of the locals. The Jaipur cycle tour will allow you to enter the narrow lanes and watch out the folklore of Jaipur to get insight into the regular chaos and life of the city. 

Stroll in Amer Fort – Whenever someone asks for exploring the main highlighted attractions of Jaipur, Amer Fort is the topmost thing that conjures in mind. Amer Fort is one of the most glorious architectural jewels of the pink city which is also proclaimed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO under the Hill Forts of Rajasthan.

Rickshaw ride in Jaipur Walled City – The best way of exploring the bustling market lanes of Jaipur is by rickshaw ride. The ride will take you towards discovering the city chaos and hustles that allure the travelers by its authentic charm. You can also enjoy shopping while enjoying a rickshaw ride and buy some knick-knacks and souvenirs.

Besides these, spending a day with the elephant at Elefantastic Farm and Pink City Night Tour can also be a part of your one day trip to Jaipur. The farm is located near Amer where elephants are best-taken care of by the volunteers and you can also step into a volunteer program with them. On the pink city night tour, you will witness the mesmerizing night views of the city, especially those of the heritage attractions of Jaipur. So, when on a Jaipur same day trip you can include these listed activities in your bucket list. 

Rahul Sharma
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