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5 Best Video Marketing Tips for a Law Firm

Sophia Docosta
5 Best Video Marketing Tips for a Law Firm

“Video marketing tips for a law firm” is one of the trending queries on Google and other search engines for a good reason. Marketing, which essentially refers to advertisement, carries as much value for law firms as it does for other companies.

Video marketing, in simple words, means using videos to promote your products, brands or services. Strong marketing incorporates them into the mix. There can be a variety of subjects, based on which videos are made, such as customer testimonials, videos based on live events, how-to videos, explainers, corporate training, viral entertainment, and more.

A video marketer uses videos to promote and market a product or service, increase engagement on the digital and social channels, educate consumers and customers, and reach the audience with a new medium.

5 Best Video Marketing Tips for a law firm:

Do you own or manage a law firm? If yes, then the inclusion of marketing, or rather video marketing, can prove to be a game-changer for the growth in its revenue.

Include the following handy tips to make the most out of the video marketing strategy for your law firm:

  • Keyword Research:

Keyword research is an important tool to uncover the video content that the audience search. Making videos takes a huge amount of time and money. So it is better to have a clear understanding of what the audience searches. 

We all know about keyword research in case of writing an article, blog, or content on a website. But how many of us know that simple keyword research can make web content attractive and decorative.

A simple tip is to log on to YouTube and start typing your keyword-related topic and search on the content matter. It’s so simple and easy. You can also get some ideas on a standard Google search. There are also a few great tools to have video content ideas. 

  • Script and high-quality video-editing:

85% of videos on Facebook are without sound. 90% of videos watched on YouTube are with sounds. That should be the right approach. You need to have a good script with minimal talking. It should be clear that whoever watches the videos should have a good sound.

  • Educational Content with Specific Questions:

During the research, it is advisable to uncover the specific types of videos that people are searching on YouTube and Google. In the early stages, before hiring a lawyer, they are looking to a particular legal matter.

People use videos to learn. They are more likely to watch educational videos than to read a text.

Tailor your videos for the informational or educational searches that people are looking in the early stages of the search. And answer the target audience. 

A positive side of educational videos is that it does not take much time and not much creative. 

  • High-quality branded video for Homepage:

Most of the law firm websites include branded videos. This type of video is for the target audience in the second stage of the search. They already have a legal issue facing them and are looking for the best possible solution.

Typically a law firm branding video will include key value proposition. Markers enable credibility and authority. The best practice is to place your video on the top of the homepage. Like the homepage, you can upload your video to multiple other places on the web and achieve maximum reach.

  • Develop multiple testimonial and case study videos: 

Another type of video that potential customers want to view is testimonials and case studies. They search for these videos when they are at the decision stage and looking to hire a law firm. 

Prospective customers want to know whether the claims made on the website are on real-life experiences of the clients. Video testimonials tend to be much more real than fake. They are trusted more and are much more compelling. Text struggles to do that. It works best when real customers share real-life experiences on videos.

Some of the drawbacks Video Marketing:

  • Focusing on Cost and Not Value:

Unfortunately, too many law firm base is on cost and not value. Not all the cheapest commodities in the market need to have good quality. It is because there is a balancing act of play between cost and quality. The cheapest not always deliver the best results.

  • Choosing Quantity over Quality:

Sometimes it’s not important what you sell? But how you sell? Quality brands attract quality clients. So, why should you hire someone based on the low-quality video?

You should have the same approach to legal video content. Create high-quality and engaging videos to establish your brand and you can reap from the benefits for long. In contrast, if you create a cheap and low-quality video, you’ll mix yourself with other attorneys doing the same thing.


If you are looking for a legal service industry, you may probably be aware of the online marketing of law firms and law firm SEO services. With so many law clients in the market, if you cannot reach out to the audience, you may cut your message out and lead daily. From the above discussion, you can find some of the top video marketing tips to follow regarding your success.

Sophia Docosta
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