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A Graduate Of The Academy Apple Made The App Make It Easy For The Visually Impaired Shopping

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A Graduate Of The Academy Apple Made The App Make It Easy For The Visually Impaired Shopping

Next, the application Hearo to help the community who have difficulty hearing. The application will change the sign language into text. This app can also translate laughter and also applause.

"a User using sign language through the camera when a video call, the app will read the intent and translate it in the form of voice and text," said one developer Hearo Kamilia Latifah.

Then, academy graduates Apple there that makes the app Canting to help users create a batik design. However, this application requires device Apple pencil.

this Article has been published in the Katadata.co.id with the title of "Academy Graduates Apple Made the App make it Easy for the Visually impaired Shopping" , https://katadata.co.id/berita/2020/01/15/lulusan-akademi-apple-buat-aplikasi-mudahkan-tunanetra-berbelanja
Author: Fahmi Ahmad Burhan
Editor: Desy Setyowatii

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