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HSBC LAYOFF 35,000 Employees in the Middle of the Pressure Performance of the Business

Berita Terkini
HSBC LAYOFF 35,000 Employees in the Middle of the Pressure Performance of the Business

“Through the whole program, the number of workers will be reduced from 235 thousand to almost 200 thousand in three years,” said the Interim Chief Executive of HSBC's Noel Quinn was quoted as saying from Reuters, Saturday (18/2). Trimming in the significant amount will be done to the level of senior management.

large-scale Restructuring is done in the middle of the economic slowdown in various markets, the outbreak of corona virus, Brexit, until the benchmark interest rate is low. Quinn said the corona virus has been significantly impact on staff and customers.

As is known, HSBC a lot of focus its business in Asia in Hong Kong. As for the corona virus has kill almost 1,900 people, the majority in the plains of China and infected more than 70 thousand people. While its economic impact has spread to different parts of the world.

this Article has been published in Katadata.co.id with the title "HSBC LAYOFF 35,000 Employees in the Middle of the Pressure Performance of the Business" , https://katadata.co.id/berita/2020/02/19/hsbc-phk-35000-karyawan-di-tengah-tekanan-kinerja-bisnis
Author: Martha Ruth Thertina
Editor: Martha Ruth Thertina

Berita Terkini
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