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The Victim Died Corona Up So 2.244, China Continues To Do Mitigation

Berita Terkini
The Victim Died Corona Up So 2.244, China Continues To Do Mitigation

"it's Not easy for us to make this decision. Be aware that to infectious disease, whatever the treatment used, the actions of the most environmentally friendly in economy is isolate the population," he said as reported by CNN.

the Government also telaha mobilize resources and open up the tap imports after finding a surge in demand for protective clothing as many as 15,000 pieces per day, while the supply ability of the country it's just reached 10,000 pieces per day.

In the middle of the efforts of the accountability of the government, Yu said "We will give maximum punishment to all who do not do uoaya the prevention and control of epidemic,".

this Article has been published in Katadata.co.id with the title "the Victim Died Corona Up So 2.244, China Continues to Do Mitigation" , https://katadata.co.id/berita/2020/02/21/korban-meninggal-corona-naik-jadi-2244-china-terus-lakukan-mitigasi
Author: Ekarina
Editor: Ekarina

Berita Terkini
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