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The President Of The Philippines Decide The Isolation Of The City Of Manila To Prevent The Spread Of Corona

Berita Terkini
The President Of The Philippines Decide The Isolation Of The City Of Manila To Prevent The Spread Of Corona

the President of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte on Thursday (12/3) local time announced immigration restrictions strictly and termination of travel by land, sea, and air of in the City of Manila. It is an effort to prevent the outbreak of corona virus.

Duterte approved a number of measures to prevent the spread of corona virus, including the prohibition of mass gatherings, closure and quarantine of the people for one month, and threatened to imprison local officials who oppose the orders of the government.

the Philippine Government also banned the entry of immigrants who come from countries with the spread of corona virus. The decision was made after cases of infection corona virus increased sharply to 52 cases in one day after the Philippines declared the first case Covid-19 on Saturday (7/3). In addition, the five people in the Philippines have died from the virus.

this Article has been published in Katadata.co.id with the title "President of the Philippines Decide the Isolation of the City of Manila to Prevent the Spread of Corona" , https://katadata.co.id/berita/2020/03/13/presiden-filipina-putuskan-isolasi-kota-manila-cegah-penyebaran-corona
Author: Ratna Iskana
Editor: Ratna Iskana

Berita Terkini
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