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You Will Be Surprised To Know Health Benefits of Brown Rice and You Should Start Having It

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You Will Be Surprised To Know Health Benefits of Brown Rice and You Should Start Having It

Health Benefits of Eating Brown Rice - Since ages it is said that brown rice is better than white, but the majority of consumers typically choose white rice over brown because of the difference in appearance. White rice might look more appealing to some than the brown rice. 

Brown, rice, contains hull and bran whereas white rice gets depleted with these nutrients. Both, the hulls and brans provide the complete nutrients to the grain and are rich in proteins, thiamine, calcium, magnesium, fibre, and potassium.

For those trying to lose weight or those suffering from diabetes, it can prove a healthful staple given its low glycemic rating which helps to reduce insulin spikes. This is what is lacked in white rice. 

Brown rice is simply delicious and a fantastic staple for both vegetarian and vegan diets. It can be used as a white rice alternative in most vegetarian recipes and provides a full, rich and somewhat nutty flavour. Its flour can be used for cooking pancakes, breads and other baked goods. In all, this shows, it is clearly the healthy choice. 

Read more – Health and Fitness Tips

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