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Vancouver Health & Wellness - Electra Health

Electra Health
Vancouver Health & Wellness - Electra Health

Welcome to downtown Vancouver’s largest and most passionate community of health and wellness professionals. We specialize in providing one-on-one therapeutic care. We have over 50 therapists: physiotherapists, acupuncturists, registered massage therapists, chiropractic, stretch therapy, and naturopathy as well as a host of other health practitioners operating from our two downtown Vancouver locations.

Welcome to downtown Vancouver’s largest and most passionate community of health and wellness professionals. We specialize in providing one-on-one therapeutic care. We have over 50 therapists: physiotherapists, acupuncturists, registered massage therapists, chiropractic, stretch therapy, and naturopathy as well as a host of other health practitioners operating from our two downtown Vancouver locations.

Electra Health

970 Burrard Street, Vancouver

Open 7 days a week from 8 am to 8 pm

Phone: 604-685-4325

Electra Health
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