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Install a new kitchen faucet

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Install a new kitchen faucet

Install a new kitchen faucet

first of All, you should know that there is différents kitchen faucets on the marketé. By conséquent, we résumerons images of the fa&case;we set the homelody kitchen faucet à drawer and the kitchen faucet à poignée unique.

This is a guide to destinyé to the public to explain how réparer a valve d'évier de cuisine, à drawer.

1. Process prépreparation: let's Suppose you're standing à c&taxes;té de l'évier de cuisine, idéal to correspond to the location of the hole and that the water supply is interrupted. By conséquent, après have removedé, the former évier, you need to place all of the pipes d'évier du nouvel évier in the hole l'évier.

2. Après have inséré all the pipes d'évier, continue à insérer the washer and screw l'écrou on the screw. You can use a screwdriver to tighten l'écrou. Then, connect the hose, pull the joint that connects it to the fitting of entrée.

3. Après have connecté the flexible removable, the gasket and the entrée of water, you need to connect the hose blue (cold water) and the flexible red (hot water).

4. Après this, you need to install the ball weight on the hose to sliding, tighten and tighten for améimprove the effectivenessé.

5. Finally, connect the hoses of the arrivalée red and blue valves angle corresponding. This means that you need to connect the red horse à the valve red and blue pipe and to the valve angular blue corresponding. Do you worry aboutétez not, as they are markedés of red and blue.

kitchen Faucet cheap

Install the robinet de cuisine you-m&stop, me, or in other words, l'évier kitchen is a medium éeconomic update &to-day cooking. That you live together as a family or you live alone, you will need all the help you need to assist the prépreparation of meals. Having a kitchen faucet entièsurely functional can &our vision to be everything you need.

By conséquent, know how to install the kitchen faucet you-m&stop, me is the best fa&case;on d'ésaving a few dollars. In addition, with some plumbing tools, you can easily install the kitchen faucet you-m&stop, me. You don't need to hire a professional for the réparer for you. You just need to have a spirit of DIY to install.

Learn how to install a kitchen faucet you will not only make ésaving money, but will add éalso most of détails techniques for you. You will never know when maintenance needs arise à in the future, other technical knowledge on the installation of faucets can &our vision to be useful. By conséquent, today, we will guide you to through the process of installing the kitchen faucet.

How do I install the thermostatic Valve as indicatedé: Remove the old

let's Suppose there's a kitchen faucet that needs to &stop;tre removedé before installing a new one. By conséquent, before you learn how to install a kitchen faucet, we have to learn how to advance how to remove the kitchen faucet.

How to remove a bathroom Faucet existing

first of All, you must understand the operation of l'évier de cuisine, in order to easily understand the illustrations in the guide, the installation process and the maintenance of the kitchen faucet to the future. Here are the images that may help you.

• Before any opération, you need to vérifier if you have a clé lavatory and a clé à wheel.

• now Cut the water when you clean the kitchen space.

• then Use a clé à wheel to loosen l'écrou of the water pipe and use a clé for évier on the poignée À ce point, you can tighten complètement l'écrou with your fingers, as this will strengthen l'écrou more quickly.

• Déthen screw down the pulvérisateur latéral is the lastère étape to remove l'évier of the kitchen. Although this étape is optional, you can choose déscrew the pulvérisateur latéral of the arrière of the c&taxes;té or remove the collar C on the c&taxes;té.



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