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paket aqiqah murah jogja

Terry Case
Having a baby is the most happy for any parents in the whole world. By understanding this, the Aqiqah AlKautsar present as a Service Aqiqah siap saji who put forward the best service for the people.

in order to ensure the best service is up to all customers, Aqiqah AlKautsar serve with full professionalism. Both Online and Offline, the Father of the Mother can contact us to get service Aqiqah siap Saji Best.

Is our pride, can be the best partner in family Worship Father Mother gentlemen. May the kindness that we work with this, got a reply that the best of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.

Have a Farm which is managed independently, making the Aqiqah murah jogja is able to bring the price of the package which is more economical. In addition the farm Aqiqah AlKautsar has also been equipped with Halal certificate from Majelis Ulama Indonesia for the category of cage Halal and the slaughter is Halal.
in Addition to led by Corporate Chef who is experienced in the culinary world, the kitchen Aqiqah AlKautsar is the kitchen, which already meets the standards of Hygienic Sanitation from the Ministry of Health and certified Halal MUI.

To his Father and Mother, we created a menu of local, Asian, and Western, namely:

the Archipelago ; Krengsengan, beef Rendang, Spicy soy Sauce, Satay Goreng, Kalio, and much more.

Asia ; Yakiniku, Teriyaki, Cook Masala, Spicy Kungpao Lamb

Western ; Lamb Stew, Barbeque Sauce, Mushroom Sauce, etc.

And of course all our food is HALAL. We already have Halal certificate of MUI's father, Mother..

Naaah,, Father Mother curious about tasting menu-menu murah jogja? Yup, we provide the facility of FREE FOOD TESTER! The father, Mother select the course menu, we'll cook and deliver up to the address, it's free!! (Father and Mother enough to pay the cost of shipping course yes).

For explanation and consultation in more detail, please contact our CS yes. Thank you.
paket aqiqah jogja
paket aqiqah jogja
Terry Case
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