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What is the recruitment coming in?

Inbound Recruitment
What is the recruitment coming in?

Remember that l’inbound recruitinsg is a stratégie markéting for recruiters, inspiredée by returns d’expéexperience in inbound marketing. The establishment d’a stratégie d’inbound recruiting nérequires a good my cool master the techniques of digital marketing. In fact, to attract visitors, l’company must focus on the qualityé of its contents.

The challenge is éalso à foster, l’intér&stop;t of candidates for that’they want to apply. And grâce to marketing automation, including l’email nurturing, workflow and scoring candidate, it is possible to make applicants effective collaborators. marketing automation also allows d’maintaining relationships with potential candidates and employés déjà in position, to become ambassadors for the employer brand.


Inbound Recruitment
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