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whatsapp video call : WhatsApp upcoming Top New features in 2020

Mahesh Patidar
whatsapp video call : WhatsApp upcoming Top New features in 2020

Facebook owned WhatsApp massaging app now continue working on his new Features . It is arrive soon for both Android and iOS.


WhatsApp is a free massager for both Android and iOS users. WhatsApp provide massaging features and also whatsapp video call , picture and video sharing features makes WhatsApp best app .


WhatsApp is Founded by Jan Koum and Brian Acton in February 2009 . Now whatsapp have 1.5 billions user in world wide . WhatsApp has less number of employees (only 50) but his working fine .

Now whatsapp owned by Facebook. WhatsApp is a secure platform .



1. Enhanced 8 person group WhatsApp video call limit .

2. Support to run same WhatsApp account in four different devices .

3. Filter out massage by Date .

4. Sharechat integration .

5. Some minor tweaks for storage usage and chats .Read_more


Mahesh Patidar
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