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Considered To Be Related To The Nazi Symbol, Facebook Remove Ads Campaign Trump

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Considered To Be Related To The Nazi Symbol, Facebook Remove Ads Campaign Trump

the social media Giant from the United States, Facebook to remove ads campaign US President Donald Trump on Thursday (18/6). The advertising campaign is considered to contain symbols that once used Nazis to identify political prisoners.

"We remove the post and this ad because it violates our policy against the hatred that organized," said a Spokesman for Facebook was quoted from CNBC International on Thursday (18/6). 

the Ad campaign contains a symbol shaped red triangle that leads to the down or upside down. That symbol never the Nazis used to mark political prisoners. 

this Article has been published in Katadata.co.id with the title "is Considered to be Related to the Nazi Symbol, Facebook Remove Ads Campaign Trump" , https://katadata.co.id/berita/2020/06/19/dianggap-terkait-simbol-nazi-facebook-hapus-iklan-kampanye-trump
Author: Fahmi Ramadhan
Editor: Agustiyanti

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