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Profile of the Rivan Achmad Putranto, Long Face who is Now the Lead Bukopin

Berita Terkini
Profile of the Rivan Achmad Putranto, Long Face who is Now the Lead Bukopin

a New seven-week served as Finance Director of PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero), Rivan Achmad Putranto was elected as president Director of PT Bank Bukopin Tbk. This decision was made by the shareholders after the annual general meeting on Monday yesterday morning (17/6).

the Rivan replace Eko Rachmansyah Gindo that has ended his tenure and not willing to be re-elected. The appointment is in line with the bank's focus on retail business, especially micro, small, and medium enterprises (SMES) as well as the consumer.

the Figure Rivan is not the new people in Bukopin. Launched from Infobank, in 2006 he has been working in that bank with the post of private banking group head. Rivan became a key figure the development of the consumer business, established Bukopin Priority.

this Article has been published in Katadata.co.id with the title "Profile of the Rivan Achmad Putranto, Long Face who is Now the Lead Bukopin" , https://katadata.co.id/berita/2020/06/19/profil-rivan-achmad-putranto-wajah-lama-yang-kini-pimpin-bukopin
Author: Sorta Tobing
Editor: Sorta Tobing

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