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You Can Now Stream Netflix on Google Nest Hub

marie robert
You Can Now Stream Netflix on Google Nest Hub

The most anticipated feature has arrived on the Nest Hub! Netflix has finally made its way to the Google Nest Hub and Nest Hub Max. Nest Hub is a type of homeware by Google, which acts as a smart screen to be placed in living rooms, kitchens, and bedrooms. It is designed to provide help at a glance from any room in the house featuring a built-in Google Assistant. It can be used to display pictures from Google photos, and it also comes with a dashboard for controlling the connected devices. The Google Nest Hub and Hub Max already supported streaming services like YouTube TV, Disney+, and Hulu. But it was missing out on the most popular streaming service on the planet, Netflix.

Source url:- https://williamsblogpoint.wordpress.com/2020/08/05/you-can-now-stream-netflix-on-google-nest-hub/

marie robert
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