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Kosmochem Prevail Air Overnight Adult Disposable Diapers

Kosmochem Private Limited
Kosmochem Prevail Air Overnight Adult Disposable Diapers

Incontinence problems often hamper an individual’s normal life by limiting the capacity of a person to work. To overcome the challenges faced by people suffering from incontinence problems adult diapers for women & man are a best choice over any other diaper.

Prevail AIR™ adult diapers Overnight brings the next generation in breathability to a revolutionary brief. With breathable AirMax™ Layer every inch of our supremely comfortable, great fitting brief allows skin to breathe – taking Microclimate Care™ to the next level. The more skin breathes the cooler it feels and healthier it stays.

Microclimate Care™: A favourable microclimate with Prevails performance features to maintain normal skin temperature and moisture at the skin.

100% Breathable: A fully breathable moisture barrier that allows skin to breathe, currently available on our Prevail Air™ Adult Briefs.

MaxSorb™ Gel: Technology that quickly locks up wetness to keep wearers feeling dry and comfortable.

AirMax™ Layer: Specially formulated breathable poly layer traps wetness inside the pad but allows air, heat, and humidity to escape.

Doublesorb™ Layers: A soft, dual core system that helps lock up moisture away from skin.

For more details please visit: https://www.kosmochem.com/ProductSearch.aspx?CID=200

Kosmochem Private Limited
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