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How to download old desktop gold for Windows 10

samm smith
How to download old desktop gold for Windows 10

The Internet now has become an important part of our day to day life. From browsing online content to sending emails, we do a number of things using the internet. When it comes to the best browsing experience, AOL desktop gold download for Windows 10 is considered to be the best.  The software comes with unique characteristics and provides the user with all kinds of online assistance required to resolve any query.  You can send and receive emails, search for content, and browse online whenever you want using the desktop gold.  This amazing software is now available with fresh new features and advanced security systems to ensure the complete security and protection of user's data online. If you are looking forward to downloading AOL software on your Windows 10 computer, this post can help you. Here, you can find simple instructions to complete the task.


Minimum system requirements to download AOL

Operating system:  Windows 10 computer.  If you have a previously released Windows version installed like Windows 7,8. or 8.1, you can also download the AOL software for these versions.

Processor:  Computer processor of minimum 266 MHz speed of faster.

Memory: Must have at least 1 GB RAM and 512 MB hard disc space available.

Internet: A strong and stable internet connection.

Screen resolution:1024 X 768 screen resolution or higher.

So before you download AOL desktop gold for Windows 10, make sure that your device meets the above-mentioned system requirements. If these requirements are not fulfilled, your software may not work after the installation.


Before you download AOL, make sure that

  • You have installed the latest operating system version on your device.
  • There should be no conflicting programs present on your computer.
  • Clean your computer and make sure that no temporary folder and junk files are available.
  • Do you have a valid subscription for  AOL software?

 Now that you know the basic requirements to download the software the next thing you need to do is, proceed with the steps below and complete the installation of the software on your Windows 10 device.

 AOL desktop gold download for Windows 10 - for an advantage plan member.

  •  If you have an advantage plan membership, you do not need to pay any additional expenses.
  •  Look out for the trial version of AOL desktop gold.
  •  Now, under the all products section, login to the ' My benefits' account.
  •  Hit the download button. The software will be downloaded on your computer.


 For the trial version; follow the steps below:

  •  Go to the downloaded file explorer.
  •  After this, Run ‘.exe’ files an administrator.
  • Now you need to right-click and proceed with the on-screen guidelines to complete the setup.


Install AOL desktop gold for Windows 10:

  • On your computer log in to the ‘My Account’ section.
  • Go to my services>>  subscription.
  • Under the AOL desktop gold, you need to click on the ‘Start’ button.


So this is how you can AOL download for Windows 10 on your computer. Once you have successfully installed it, you can take advantage of the unique features and advanced Security Services offered by AOL. 


samm smith
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