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Porcelain Veneer: Advantages and Lifespan

Wellbeing Clinic
Porcelain Veneer: Advantages and Lifespan

No wonder that a beautiful smile can indeed make us more confident. And for some, fixing any imperfections of the teeth might be cathartic. To maintain such a lovely smile, porcelain veneers in Dubai have been provided with some extravagant advantages.

“Porcelain Veneer,” commonly cited as “Dental Veneer,” is a super-thin shell of tooth-colored porcelain or composite resins applied over the facial surfaces of the teeth. Dental Veneers are a cosmetic practice that fixes the following:

  • gapped teeth
  • misaligned teeth
  • broken teeth
  • discolored teeth
  • oddly shaped teeth
  • and many more.

Porcelain veneers are usually made up of three ceramic types. They are pressed ceramic, stacked ceramic, and lithium disilicate.

Veneers stand among the most trustworthy and popular medical procedures in cosmetic dentistry. This artificial dentistry is designed differently for each patient from sophisticated materials to get a natural-looking teeth enamel.

Let us deep dive into the oral advantages and longevity of porcelain veneers in Dubai.

Oral Health Advantages

The key objective of porcelain veneers is to assist with cosmetic changes. Nevertheless, there are various other ways by which they can enhance the overall orthodontics health.

Here are some of the benefits:

Promoting Dental Hygiene
Porcelain Veneers foster good oral hygiene. They are likely to provide excellent care and treatment, giving the individuals a beautiful, natural smile. After the treatment, you need to take its good care just as you would of your natural teeth.

Repairing Gapped Teeth
Gapped teeth or diastema may occur due to various reasons such as gum disease, improper swallowing reflex, genetics, abnormally placed teeth, and similar other issues. Many individuals believe that taking several years of orthodontic therapy is the only way to fix the holes in their smile. But porcelain veneers in Dubai can be the instant solution. A cosmetic dentist may cover up these holes with porcelain restorations.

Improving Crooked Teeth
Individuals with misaligned or crooked teeth often hesitate to wear braces. Surprisingly, porcelain veneers are a great and powerful alternative to this. You can improve irregular or crooked teeth by setting up a new facade with the help of porcelain veneers.

Health Benefits over other Dental Therapies
Though veneers usually include some removal of the enamel, most part of the tooth in the oral cavity is left intact in this process. However, the dentist will realign the whole tooth to mount a crown, extracting a large number of dental wastes. Veneers could be the best choice for patients searching for a more sensible option with limited tooth alteration.

Lifespan of the Porcelain Veneers
Porcelain veneers seem to last around ten years on an average, but they would survive even longer with proper care. Reportedly, with ultimate care, some patients could even preserve it for no less than 20 years.

If the veneers are frequently exposed to foods and drinks such as tea, coffee, wine, etc., it may get discolored just like your natural teeth. But having dental porcelain will be a plus point for you.

You will usually be highly advised to take proper care of the veneers after getting the treatment of porcelain veneers in Dubai. To extend its durability, it is best to brush and floss your teeth every day, attend routine checkups, and protect the supporting teeth from falling. If you are a sports person, don’t forget to use a mouthguard and save yourself from any injury.


To get the best treatment for porcelain veneers in Dubai, you should visit Wellbeing Medical Centre. It is one of the best clinics to provide the best dental treatment to their patients and give them the much-needed Hollywood smile. Connect with them and get a free consultation. They can guide you with appropriate treatment measures.

Wellbeing Clinic
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