AI Products 

Programmatic Display and Programmatic Advertising

Programmatic Display and Programmatic Advertising

Programmatic Display and Programmatic Advertising combines data driven and people based marketing with world class technologies to find the target audiences across any channel, any device using omni channel marketing and customer experience. Global People Data Leadership, Data-Driven Marketing + People-Based Marketing, Effective Omni-Channel Experiences and Results.

Our offerings

Data Strategy, List services, Email marketing, Digital marketing, Direct mail marketing, Mobile marketing, Analytics, Creative.

Data Strategy

Blending data-drive marketing + customer-centric people-based marketing. FrescoData blends data-driven marketing with the customer-centric approach of people-based marketing to achieve effective omni-channel experiences. Our access to 10,000+ behavior, attitude, interest, propensity and demographic attributes across 100% opt-in, deterministic, known and compiled data – and the marketing technology to analyze audiences – guides our strategy.

Data enhancement

Comprehensive data verification and correction, supplementation of records, FrescoData has one of the most advanced and flexible people data enhancement options. We facilitate thorough address verification and correction, geocoding, web service-based address look-ups (for more than 100 countries), and data appends. Our data enhancement experts are known industry leaders with a proven track of accomplishment in real time data enhancement and data verification.

Data licensing

Leverage the worlds largest consumer and business datadase, FrescoData has a comprehensive database of over 3.6+ Consumers and 200 Million Business Executives and Professionals across 100+ countries some of which you can license and install within your own servers if your corporate structure is to perform in-house verifications. Whether you plan to expand the products you’re offering, run various analytical campaigns, or execute mass marketing email campaigns, we guarantee that our data licensing services will give you the freedom and flexibility you need to handle and manage all your data effectively.

Digital marketing

CRM Retargeting: We use data from CRM, email, direct mail and point-of-sale systems to target customers with cross-sell and upsell offers online and offline. Audience Suppression: We remove past purchasers from our clients’ digital new customer acquisition campaigns.Omnichannel Marketing: We help clients reach the same online & offline audience throughout customer journeys that span multiple channels and devices.Collaborative Marketing: Share audience data with marketing partners in a privacy compliant way to build audiences from second-party data.


Offline audience targeting Reach 88% of the world’s population with always-accurate people data, Offline CRM integration License mailing lists and onboard into your CRM or CDP and match online campaigns.

Zupyak is the world’s largest content marketing community, with over 400 000 members and 3 million articles. Explore and get your content discovered.
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