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5 Solar Solutions Quashing Popular Myths With Solar EPC’s | Heaven Designs

Heaven designs
5 Solar Solutions Quashing Popular Myths With Solar EPC’s | Heaven Designs


Solar energy can be the most efficient and cost-effective way to generate power. However, there are myths in the minds of consumers that prevent them from appreciating its potential. In this blog, we want to inform you about some of these superstitions around solar installations and falsify them with impeccable solar solutions offered by Heaven Designs India's leading solar engineering consultants.

This blog will discuss five of the main solar installation myths that can interfere with the growth of solar design. The first myths relating to the huge amount of investment required in solar structure design & the second post tackle myths related to the compatibility of batteries with solar systems. We aim to challenge this kind of myth while explaining how some of those rules are meant to be broken.

Solar energy is the best alternative source of electricity. However, myths about its installation and use still remain as the major hindrances in exploring it further. Our blog aims to educate and also correct some incidental misconceptions associated with it. 

click here: https://heavendesigns.in/5-solar-solutions-quashing-popular-myths-with-solar-epcs/


Heaven designs
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