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A Guide for using Disinfecting Products in Toronto

Green SaniTech Inc.
A Guide for using Disinfecting Products in Toronto

Due to the pandemic, we have observed the importance and need to maintain a hygienic environment in our homes. We saw a lot in 2020. Most importantly, the never-ending list of the products that will keep the virus away has been entertaining us for a long time. 

Things are slowly picking up pace now; restaurants are opening, small gatherings are allowed, people are meeting their friends and relatives after a long time. It makes it even more important now to take care of our surroundings by maintaining proper hygiene with chemical-based products.   

The Difference between Cleaners, Sanitizers & Disinfectants  

Cleaners: These products are used on a routine basis on floors, walls, carpet, and windows. The products can be detergent or soap and water, which takes off the dirt completely from the surface. Sometimes cleaning from cloth daily can also do justice.  

Sanitizers: This is a term we used a lot in 2020. It's an added step that removes dirt and small amounts of germs.  

Disinfectants are a more extensive way to kill bacteria and viruses. They are chemical agents designed to inactivate or destroy microorganisms on idle surfaces so that they do not spread further. Many people are using Disinfecting Products in Toronto to keep their homes and loved ones safe. 

Things to remember while using disinfecting solutions in Toronto

Using disinfecting solutions in Toronto has seen a rise as the covid cases spike in the world. Although they are necessary to control infectious diseases, there are some points to keep in mind while using them.

You need to keep them away from children as they are potentially dangerous for them in their concentrated form. Also, while applying the disinfectants, make sure that they are away so that it doesn't get in their eyes and skin. 

Household chlorine bleach as a substitute for Disinfectant Solutions

There is another way people are adapting to disinfect their houses. The household bleach (chlorine as sodium hypochlorite) is active against most microorganisms, including bacterial spores, and can be used as a disinfectant or sanitizer, depending on its concentration. The bleach is diluted with water carefully as the concentrated form of bleach is caustic and can emit potentially lethal fumes. 

There are multiple benefits to use household bleach as a disinfectant. It is effective in killing germs. It's cheaper in comparison to more chemically based disinfectants. It's very easy to make and convenient to use. It's easily available in the market in contrast to the Disinfecting Products in Toronto.   

Some things to remember if you're using Homemade Bleach instead of disinfecting solutions in Toronto:

  • It can be corrosive to some materials like metal, rubber, and plastic materials.
  • Don't use bare hands while making the solution.  
  • Bleach solutions gradually lose their strength. So you must prepare fresh solutions daily, and you should replace the solutions within every few months. 
  • Bleach solution should be left on the surface for at least 2 minutes before being cleaned off. 
  • One of the other advantages is it can be allowed to dry because it leaves no residue. 
  • You can use household bleach to sanitize dishes and eating utensils. 
  • The chlorine concentration used in the household bleach disinfectant is much less than that used for other chemical-based disinfecting products.


Green SaniTech Inc.
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