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Leadership Coaching and Scuba Diving

Leadership Coaching and Scuba Diving

Imagine that you are a shallow water scuba diving instructor

You are taking your students for their final diving class

You put up the gear, you give the instructions…

And you dive with the group

10 feet...

20 feet...

30 feet...


30 feet was the depth you had in mind for the class

But since it’s the last class, your students want to go deeper

You oblige

You go further deep

40 feet...

50 feet...

You reach 60 feet!!

That’s the maximum you have gone personally as a diver and as an instructor

But your students want more

They are enjoying the experience

They urge you to go deeper

You are in a dilemma….

“Should I take them deeper even though I have never gone that deep?”

Your students insist

They are ready to take the chance

Can you take them really that deeper?

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