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3 Reasons Why You Should Read Fantasy Novels

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3 Reasons Why You Should Read Fantasy Novels

Fantasy is an intriguing genre. From dystopian whirlwinds loaded with old magic to medieval world warlocks and rife with white witches, the genre encapsulates a gamut of the literary universe and is not limited to facts like historical novels

Fantasy delves into beauty beyond reality, and if you are still confused, why you should give your favorite series a miss this weekend and switch to a fantasy novel, then scroll ahead.


3 Reasons to Add a Fantasy Novel to your Reading Bucket-List  

1.      Intricate World Building

Creating an imaginary world is complex and expansive than the world we encounter in historical fiction seriesFantasy novels don’t have the projection of a real-world but the extension of the author’s imagination.

For example, in Branchview: The Unexpected Journey by Brian Jay Nelson, the author takes the reader’s on a rollercoaster ride with the protagonist – Steven Spencer. The protagonist and his wife are stuck in the family’s centuries-old struggle with witchcraft and a Satanic cult known as the Secret Society. And this encounter unfolds the past secrets of the family and more.

The worlds you experience in fantasy novels are not only complex, but they are also limitless, which leads to the next reason.

2.      Infinite Potential  

The genre is not restricted by facts and science; the author takes the liberty of creating a world that is filled with unexpected events, including the cliffhanger of the plot. 

The genre is experimental. And as a reader, you will be amazed to experience the author defying the concept of gravity or time. The world of a fantasy novel is ever-growing and traces the aspect of life which one might not witness in other genres.

Unimpeded from the constraints of reality, fantasy is free to keep adding to itself in novel ways to keep you on the edges of your seats.

3.      Mixing the Old and New

A unique part of a fantasy novel is that it permits the author to mix the old and new: what is known in the real world and the history. The genre is inspired by history. And this adds a layer to the genre.

So, if you love reading about a witch hunt and supernatural events, then a fantasy novel should be your next read.



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