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Everything You Need To Know About Kinesiology Taping

lisa djohnson
Everything You Need To Know About Kinesiology Taping

Kinesiology tapes are a common product in the market these days. They are similar to sports tape but are much more flexible than sports tape. When you visit a chiropractor for a chiropractic adjustment in Denver they often suggest Kinesio taping for improved joint support.

You might have seen athletes using strips of colorful tapes across, knees, shoulders, backs, and abs. That is a kinesiology tape strategically placed to provide support to the joints, improve performance, and reduce pain and swelling as well. This article will give you helpful insights into how kinesiology taping works.


What Is Kinesiology Taping?

A kinesiology tape is made from a thin, breathable, stretchable, and water-resistant material and designed in a way that provides an adequate amount of pressure and support to strengthen the tissues and muscles without restricting their movement. The tape sticks to the skin using a medically approved sweat and water-proof adhesive.


How Does Kinesiology Taping Work?

This tape is used to provide support to the muscles, tissues, and joints to strengthen them or to help them heal while also maintaining proper circulation and fluid flow through the injured or strained area. It promotes the gentle flow of blood and lymphatic fluid to clean the injured area and enhance the healing process. It also prevents further muscle injury while moving the injured area.


Benefits Of Kinesiology Taping

Kinesiology taping has many benefits and the positive effects can be felt within 24 hours of applying the tape. The following are some benefits of this type of taping.


- Reduced Pain

Kinesiology tape applies gentle pressure on the muscles that help dissipate the pain. The skin, connective tissue, muscles, and fascia all contain receptors that indicate our brain's temperature, pain, touch, etc. When kinesiology taping is applied, it decompresses the muscles in the injured area, which can change the pain signals that are going to the brain. When a different signal is going to the brain it will work differently and thus alleviate pain.


- Improved Performance

Kinesiology taping is widely used by athletes to enhance their sports performance. By providing support to weak joints and by applying gentle pressure to the muscles, improves circulation and thus prompts better performance.


- Enhances Circulation

This tapping allows decompression of the muscles while also improving the blood circulation and flow of lymphatic fluids. With improved circulation, the toxins are flushed out quickly reducing the chemical buildup, reducing inflammation, and facilitating a speedy recovery.


- Improves Posture

Kinesiology taping can be applied to areas that are prone to veering away from a good posture and help in posture correction. It also strengthens the weak muscles in the body and enables them to work efficiently. It prevents muscle cramping, reduces fatigue and pain, as well as overextension and over contraction of the muscles.


What Is Kinesiology Taping Used For?


- Improving Muscle Function

Kinesiology taping is quite effective in retraining muscles that have lost their functionality or have adapted to working in an unhealthy manner. Physiotherapists, chiropractors, or any such holistic doctor in Denver often use Kinesiology taping for retraining muscles.


- Support Weak Muscles

For weak bones and muscles, this tape provides extra support. It is often recommended to patients suffering from conditions like Achilles tendonitis, patellofemoral stress syndrome, or IT band friction syndrome, etc. Unlike traditional taping, this tape allows the normal movement of the body and normal circulation while applying the pressure required. 


- Treating Injuries

Those who have musculoskeletal injuries are also recommended kinesiology taping as a part of their overall treatment. This type helps alleviate the pain and inflammation and helps speed up the recovery process.


How To Apply A Kinesio Tape?

You should always consult a professional physical therapist or a physician to get an understanding of the right method of application of Kinesiology taping. The therapist will also tell you the pattern in which you should apply the taping for the most effective results.


When To Avoid Kinesiology Taping?

There are certain conditions in which Kinesiology taping should not be applied. These include fragile skin, open wounds, active cancer, allergy, deep vein thrombosis, lymph node removal, and diabetes.

lisa djohnson
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