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Adjustable Walking Cane

Raz Smith
Adjustable Walking Cane

I was 35 years of age blue two disks in my back and wound up walking with a Dynamo Walking Cane for a year and a half then it didn't seem like it was for the elderly didn't seem so funny . I looked and I mean I looked everywhere to find not a walking stick but it came that I could rely on that didn't make me look like I was 98 years of age now here's the funny part my dad who is 98 years of age doesn't want to walk with a cane that's right it makes you feel old or makes you look old yeah this is called Campbell's posture cane it is a better way to have mobility security and safety I get to introduce you to dr. mark leisure welcome back always a pleasure I never get to see you you're so busy this guy's actually a really good friend but he's always on the road doing seminars and working with you know wonderful people you are how tall I'm six foot five okay I am NOT less than sorry not less that night yeah last day I spend okay this same this same cane the the Campbell paint is the same cane for both of us and yet it's fully adjustable and I had never seen a design like that but it's all got purpose well it doesn't it's a it's a specifically designed handle handle because if you look at a traditional cane right you're putting a lot of your weight on your arm right so the traditional cane you're bent forward right that's actually pretty danger so in my practice I see often patients who are coming in who have that lack of mobility that lack of balance and they're looking for a little little extra stability but with traditional canes where you're leaning forward you're putting a lot of pressure on your hand and your center of gravity is forward and you're more at risk yeah actually for having one of those Falls and with a ramble can you point frankly you're putting faith in a stick and when you're leaning forward with your weight on it if if you lose any mobility you topple over you're keeping going in the number one cause of injuries for older Americans are Falls that's exactly it so dr. mark brought this to us they've been remarkably popular this is the very last night that I can make them available under $30 if you know someone who walks with a walking stick or a cane try this there's what is it 12 different heights adjustments there are ten settings advanced by itself yeah this grip this to me is a real game-changer because if you again look at the traditional grip of a cane its might be rounded it might be flat and you're putting all that weight right on your right and that's really uncomfortable.



So here it's like shaking there's a handshake that's exactly it so it's really ergonomically built and because of this because it's keeping your arm here and it's allowing you to be more upright yeah you are immediately more upper center gravity comes back you're more stable and then to the chances of Falls goes down what what happens is when you walk with a regular cane you don't walk naturally that's right it's you really are more hunched over with this thing you walk normally but you still get the push off that you need from a much larger base I like this thing from the second I saw it and walking around with it even for a few moments it it becomes a natural extension of you again it's the ergonomic grip that gives you that extension and you touched on it earlier I like this because it gets rid of that stigma the stigma of canes are for old people yeah walking cane  are for active people Yeah right and because of people's lack of balance sometimes or stability they're worried about staying active they're worried about missing out on life's joys and they can't do it so with the Campbell cane you're thinking oh that person's just active they have a walking stick with them exactly right and he also then have the same organ ahhm --ax that with a handle and the big base that makes a lot of those things if you in your life grandmama granddad getting up easily yep this is what's really really cool.

Raz Smith
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