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Top 10 Companies to Hire Dedicated Developers 2021–22

charly mnartin
Top 10 Companies to Hire Dedicated Developers 2021–22

Why dedicated developer


A developer plays a very vital role in any website, software, and mobile application development. that ensures support in terms of return on investment and planning user-friendly technology for the website and app. A dedicated developer works keeping in mind the project requirements and business standards to grow in the market.

Why Hiring a Dedicated Developer is Productive


In today's technological era, the internet emerged as the most valuable platform to bridge distances. It is a proven fact that the existence of an online identity can do wonders for an organization. Many companies have realized the benefits of an online presence and taking advantage of it, they are keen to hire the right resource in order to get an impressive remote dedicated developer.

Hiring an offshore development team is a great way to execute the desired work on contract without committing to bonuses, salaries, and other benefits; they can also hire dedicated developers based on various hiring models like full-time, part-time,  and an hourly basis as per the business and project requirements.

A software application development company selection to hire a developer is the first step to starting your online business. So here is the list of Top 10 Companies to Hire Dedicated Developers who can build amazing, fast, secure, and reliable development services at affordable rates.


  1. Agnito Technologies Pvt LTD


Agnito Technologies is a revolutionary offshore software development company that offers state-of-the-art solutions in various industry domains. With a rewarding working experience of 10+ years, They successfully served more than 550+ clients worldwide. Their highly talented developers have fulfilled the need of various start-ups, enterprises, businesses, and agencies with unique solutions and help them transform digitally.

Agnito is a pool of 200+ creative and proficient software developers who possess rich expertise and are passionate to deliver unique services in Mobile Development, Website Development, and E-Commerce & CMS. They believe in using the latest and the best technologies to offer real-time solutions to worldwide clients.


  1. MobiWeb Technologies

Mobiwebtech, one of the leading IT Companies in India is innovating new ways of doing business, experimenting with emerging technologies and business models. 

After more than 10 years of working in the IT field, 450+ project completion, and 93% client retention they are looking forward to providing skilled developers dedicatedly working for you. You can enhance the development quality with highly professional and skilled developers, or you can create a team of skilled developers dedicatedly working for you. You can hire development experts from Mobiweb for any of your required technology and cut your website design and development costs drastically. 


  1. Classic Informatics

Classic Informatics is a global web and mobile apps development company helping startups, enterprises & digital agencies establish & extend their development teams and develop impressive web & products. They follow the culture of constant learning and improvement to provide the best solutions to clients.


Since their inception 15 years back, they have encountered many great minds, amazing people who worked. They came with a story, a vision they want their product to reflect. 


  1. Mobiweb Technologies US

Mobiweb Technologies is a One-stop destination for excellent technological solutions. Its mission is to deliver excellent quality products and services to cater to the needs of global clients. They are best-in-class services that help businesses to move to the next level. Its whole sole mission is to bring value to the client’s business and they are constantly working towards the position where their valued client can always trust Mobiweb Technologies.

  1. Elite Mindz

Elite Mindz is an Indian IT Company that provides offshore development services globally in every domain, allowing you to instantly hire web developers, software developers, designers, testers, architects, database specialists, etc. Their offshore team is well versed in all the latest technologies and platforms for which you must be looking. Hiring offshore developers in India can be cost-saving for your business, reducing your cost up to 60%.


They cater startups to big enterprises, corporates to Governments, and product-based companies to services based on their development requirements.


  1. ESparkBiz 

ESparkBiz is a tech company providing a complete range of IT services to boost digital growth. Formed in 2010, eSparkBiz has grown at an exponential pace with 500+ clients across 20 countries. In their 10+ years of work experience, they have built expertise in a horde of technologies for mobile and web development. eSparkBiz is a one-stop solution for offshoring developers. They bring onboard a pool of talented developers who have successfully built projects for a multitude of business domains for every business scale: Startups, Small businesses, and Enterprises.


  1. Space-O Technologies

Space-O Technologies was “born” out of the desire to bring the top and finest Android and iOS engineers from around the world together to develop specialized, unique, and technologically advanced mobile apps for the world’s leading brands, enterprises, startups, and businesses.


There are no excuses, no if’s or but’s in our dictionary. Committed to navigating the ship of creativity to create mobile solutions, They solve the real-life problems of their clients and their customers. 


  1. Bacancy Technology

Based on the specific client requirement, Bacancy Technology developed a webcam-based software solution in such a specific way as it can simultaneously monitor and record multiple webcams. With support for both motion detection and sound detection, the webcam lets you keep an eye on your property from a remote location. WOW right? They strive to provide every single project with the same encouragement and wish to deliver the same remarkable web development service of creating something original, superior and exceptional. Since then, They have successfully implemented over 500 projects for more than different clients in almost all industries.


  1. Matellio

Founded in 2012, Matellio is a software engineering studio for start-ups, entrepreneurs, large enterprises, and people who have ideas awaiting digital partnerships. They serve global clientele coming from diverse industry verticals, striving to help them capitalize on the digital revolution by bringing their products to global marketplaces. Their skills and expertise have been recognized by global leaders including Clutch. co, App Futura, DesignRush, Scrum Alliance, and more. 


  1. ValueCoders

Value Coders is an Indian software development company focused on just one thing - offshore software development services. They have 16+ years of experience and a team of 450+ developers working efficiently to deliver unique solutions to start-ups, software development companies, enterprises, and digital agencies to simplify their IT outsourcing experience & reduce time/cost to market.

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