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Turmeric Natural Cancer Treatment in India

Turmeric Natural Cancer Treatment in India


Turmeric, a well-known spice and the healthiest spice in the world, is a bright yellow spice loaded with amazing healthy nutrients. He is also known as Haldi, Turmeric has long been praised for its beneficial health properties, which are now supported by scientific evidence. Turmeric stems are often dried and made into teas and extracts or powdered into capsules, tablets, and pastes.

Health benefits of turmeric

Turmeric may help improve your health in many ways some of them are as follows:
1. Wound healing
2. Weight management
3. Arthritis relief
4. Diabetes control
5. Proper digestion
6. Skin benefits
7. Cholesterol reduction
8. Prevention of Alzheimer’s disease
9. Liver disease prevention
10. Anti-aging
11. Oral care
12. Turmeric as an anti-cancer compound: It is a natural cancer treatment in India from very ancient times now it is scientifically proven.

Turmeric as an anti-cancer compound 

Studies from over 4,000 publications around the world have explained the anticancer effects of curcumin (an active compound of turmeric). Curcumin selectively starves tumor cells to death. Curcumin does this by depriving cancer cells of the ability to make and use ATP, the energy currency within cells.
Since most cancer cells generate ATP in a different way from healthy cells, curcumin selectively kills tumor cells without affecting healthy tissue. These new energy disrupting properties of curcumin enhance the preventive potential of this botanical compound.
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