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Top 5 Ways to Create Memorable Brand Moments for Your Customers

Group FiO
Top 5 Ways to Create Memorable Brand Moments for Your Customers

Though some doubted it would ever get off the ground in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, the 2020 Tokyo Olympics finally managed to happen, albeit a year later than originally scheduled. And as it always does, stories of athletes’ incredible triumphs, as well as some heart breaking disappointments, were all part of the event. Sporting events like the Olympics has taught us that a few inches, split seconds, and even being the slightest bit off your game can mean the difference between finding yourself on the medal podium or ending up with a long plane ride home.

The same is true when it comes to brand building. In business, you can get so caught up in the big picture that you’re incapable of seeing the nuances in your brand and how it’s engaging with customers on a smaller scale. Brands have been spending the majority of their marketing budget on big, wide catch nets like Facebook advertisements, billboards, direct mail campaigns, and retargeting ads. Which is a great strategy. But it’s only a piece of the puzzle, and one that is becoming increasingly antiquated in a consumer base that is looking to assign their allegiance to brands that go deeper in their efforts to personalize their customer experience, and create a memorable, satisfying engagement every time.

In the past few years, there’s been a shift in the way that we want to purchase, browse, and make informed buyer decisions. Today, smart companies are focusing their efforts on creating a holistic brand experience for their customers, something that goes beyond a simple business transaction and instead creates memorable brand moments that stick with your target audience. Becoming more than a preference in their lives but a staple is the goal. This is how an Oreo cookie goes from being just another snack item, to being the cookie that has starred in countless family memories over years.

The Oreo brand has created a brandable experience, and it’s memorable. In fact, it’s become so popular to eat Oreos with milk, that it has become a night time ritual for many families, an after school “How was your day?” moment, a way that friend’s bond together at slumber parties, etc.

The Oreo brand found a way to not only brand their sandwich cookie, but more importantly, they found a way to make a moment in someone’s life marketable. This is the key to the “experience movement” in marketing. How can you adopt this new trend into your own marketing strategy? The top 5 routes will help to Create Memorable Brand Moments for Your Customers


1. Make Sure Your Brand Is at The Heart of The Experience

When your brand becomes synonymous with a particular experience, you are actively using the experience movement to supercharge your product. Brands are always striving to be known as that one brand of chewing gum, or that must-have running shoe. But this can prove difficult when so many companies are all vying for the same type of attention.

Begin by focusing on one thing your brand can do differently or do better.

You can brand a moment and make it synonymous with your brand. For example, maybe your chewing gum isn’t the BEST chewing gum, but it can be positioned as the one people pop in their mouth right before a big moment, like an interview, a date, the first kiss, etc. You can solidify that position by using stories and pictures that showcase how your gum played a role in that big moment.

2.Seize the Moment

Let’s use sports and Oreos one more time to describe a time where a brand was ready to capture a marketing moment opportunity in real time. During the historic power outage that occurred during the 2013 Super Bowl, Oreo’s smart and savvy social media team took advantage of both the outage and the fact that were likely one of the many snacks being served at Super Bowl parties and pushed out the Tweet below:

The message was retweeted over 18k times and went down as being one of the best examples of real-time moment marketing in the history of brands.

While you may not always have a social media team on standby to react in real-time like this, demonstrating that you’re in the moment with your customers is a great way to inspire an engagement that stays with people and gets shared with others. Know more please visit our blog here : https://www.groupfio.com/the-experience-movement-top-5-ways-to-create-memorable-brand-moments-for-your-customers/

Group FiO
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