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Love Your Environment? Best Career Paths for You

Neha Kaul
Love Your Environment? Best Career Paths for You

“We shall never understand the natural environment until we see it as a living organism. Today you can murder land for private profit. You can leave the corpse for all to see, and nobody calls the cops.”

                                                                                                                              – Paul Brooks

This is a statement that takes our attention towards the need for us to do more towards the preservation and conservation of our environment and the world that surrounds us. But, unfortunately, while we are all aware of the severe repercussions of mindless exploitation of natural resources, only some of us actually care to pursue a career in Environmental Studies. If you are one of those, this article is for you.

It is a dismal state to watch our mother Earth fall into this state of deterioration, and it is time we must do something about it. If environmental protection is your life’s calling, be the change-maker! You can pursue several careers to do your bit in saving the environment.

# Sustainability Management

As a Sustainability Manager, you will be involved in designing a healthy and environment-friendly future. Your role will be to develop a healthy environment by designing an eco-friendly future.

Companies appoint Sustainability Managers to ensure that the company’s activities don’t harm the environment in any way. You will recommend environmentally-friendly practices to the organisation without losing financial viability.

For instance, you could recommend a recycling program, create an eco-friendly building proposal, recommend the use of energy-saving and efficient lights in the offices, or suggest ways to minimise waste. 

# Wildlife Conservation

As a Wildlife Conservationist, you will work for preserving the ecosystems and implementation of biodiversity programs in wildlife habitats like oceans, rain forests, and grasslands. In addition, wildlife Conservationists protect endangered species to ensure there is a greater species variety on earth.

You will be employed by the government bodies at the national and state level to preserve the habitats of animals and plants. For example, you may join the testing department to study soil and water, or you could join the forest department and work towards preventing wildfires and prevent the extinction of species. You could also join the forest department by becoming an IFS officer by taking the UPSC examination.

# Environmental Engineer

You will have the herculean task to revive the environment upon your shoulders. However, with the help of some tools, devices and eco-friendly infrastructure, you will be able to prevent any deterioration to the surroundings.

Environmental Engineers use engineering principles and scientific methods to create programs, machines, products that won’t damage the environment and will help address environmental problems. For instance, you may design a machine to clean up polluted water and turn it into drinkable water.

You can be employed as an expert in pollution control, environmental protection, waste reduction, public health issues, and recycling.

# Landscape Architect

You would plan and design the landscapes and outdoor areas like parks, residences, shopping centres, golf courses, school campuses, and parkways to be in harmony with the natural surroundings and environment.

You will design things in a manner to let the other organisms also breathe, ensuring it’s not a concrete jungle, making sure there is space for water to seep underground, there is no water logging and that they can withstand the natural disasters if any.

# Urban Planner

You would help create functional, beautiful, and environment-friendly cities by assisting the local governments in the allocation of land and resources in a planned way so as to prevent water-logging, congestion and at the same time creating aesthetically pleasing & eco-friendly public spaces.

Therefore, there are plenty of career options you can choose from, provided you have that innate calling of working for the conservation of the environment. In addition, you can intertwine your inter-disciplinary knowledge and work to address myriad environmental problems.

Neha Kaul
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