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Nonverbal Communication-Time

Lily Wood
Nonverbal Communication-Time

Non verbal communication time is also known as chronemics which involves studying of the way people perceive and use time. During direct communication, time conveys a meaningful nonverbal message. This message can be conveyed in the following ways of using time:

  • Punctuality - this is the patience to wait.
  • The speed of speech - this is meant by how long people are keen to listen.

With regards to punctuality, time can include indication of status. This can be seen when a boss in a company interrupts progress so as to hold a meeting any time during work time, yet an average employee will have to book an appointment to see his/her boss. With respect to speed of speech, it can have a significant impact on the use of a verbal message.

Importance of time

Timing is important in everything one does including communication. In non-verbal communication, the importance of time cannot be over emphasized. This is because people’s response to communication varies from time to time. There are durations when people can listen keenly or respond appropriately. Such dynamic can be easily affected by an individual’s lifestyle or daily agenda. It can also be used to signify the status of a person. This is seen when a person who has a status in a work place or country, like the president, can call for an impromptu meeting, yet the cabinet secretary would need to book an appointment before he/she would get an opportunity to meet and talk to the president.

The importance of time in communication is that it is used to structure our daily lives and events. The plan that we undertake has a schedule that is followed. Therefore, nonverbal communication time is very beneficial in our society.

Benefits of time in nonverbal communication

The benefits of nonverbal communication time can be described in two ways using the monochromic and polychromic categories. A monochromic person only handles one thing at a time and gives maximum concentration to a specific task until it is over. In monochromic societies like the United States of America, time is valued as money. They place paramount values on tasks, schedules and usually get the job done. Cultures that practice this type of communication usually commit to regimented schedules and view those who do not subscribe to it, as disrespectful.

The benefits of polychromatic category are that people who practice this type of communication do many things in time or in advance. They can accomplish various tasks in a short period of time. These societies are also committed into relationships more than task handed to them. One of such societies is Latin America.

Nonverbal communication can be used in order people could communicate about their feelings with people who can understand the mixed signals that people send when communicating. In most cases understanding a person’s body language can serve as a way of understanding better and even improve verbal communications. It thus not surprising that the nonverbal communication commonly accompanies verbal communication

In conclusion, nonverbal communication is often associated with talking and more significantly, listening. This is usually accompanied by the observation of someone’s body language or nonverbal communication. The use of nonverbal communication time conveys a message in different ways to different people. The speed of speech is also necessary, in order to convey messages to people. A teacher speaking to children needs to take the shortest time to pass her message across due to the children short attention span. A principle needs to convey his message to the students in the shortest time possible or in other way his message will end up not being followed as some student will get bored and their minds will wander off. Therefore, the use of nonverbal communication time needs to be adhered by both the speaker and the receiver. They both play different roles in order to communicate with each other.

The author of this article is Lily Wood - a skilled writer from whom students are able to get professional writing help. For example, they can buy capstone projects on her educational website which are built correctly according to the new academic requirements.

Lily Wood
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