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Coaching for Trauma Recovery: Focusing on the Lows to get High

christine monk
Coaching for Trauma Recovery: Focusing on the Lows to get High

Survivors have the ability to create the same beautiful life experiences, accomplishments and fulfilled dreams as others. But sometimes during the journey, they get stuck in a traumatic world. They struggle to find the freedom that all of us so desperately seek.

There are parts of us that are afraid to let go of old familiar patterns even though the results are painful.  It’s all we know. But it is possible to release the hold these patterns have on our life today and to become more than we expected or thought was possible.

But it’s almost impossible to do on your own. It takes a fresh pair of eyes to uncover what you’ve spent a lifetime trying to forget. Not just memories, although you may uncover some of those, but the thought patterns, messages and beliefs that are driving your choices today. 

Because it’s what’s left over after the abuse, neglect and trauma has ended that is causing you so much pain today. And not only causing you pain but keeping you in a cycle of behaviour that keeps delivering the very results you’re trying so hard to escape.

It’s not your fault.

christine monk
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