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Can Childhood Trauma Affect You Later In Life | Major Symptoms

Horizon Clinics
Can Childhood Trauma Affect You Later In Life | Major Symptoms

Childhood is often associated with memories like summer holidays, swinging with your friends, and giggling with your family.

However, for some people, the situation could be quite opposite. They might have witnessed something traumatic in their childhood that overshadows their happy memories.

Sometimes childhood traumas can be subtle in nature but can lead you to severe consequences later in your life.

Certain events create a space in your memories that might be too likely to bring unpleasant emotions. Some memories are easy to avoid.

Well, some, on the other hand, can be forgotten or we can say that they get into the unconscious zone of your mind. 

They are known as repressed memories which are associated with past traumatic events that happened in your life.

But one question that remains is how to know if you have repressed memories. Well, we will check that in the later section.

What is Adverse Childhood Experience or ACE? 

ACE involves some of the traumatic events that you went through before coming to the stage of adolescence. 

When a child gets hurt by those people they are dependent on the most, they get likely to face trauma at that particular stage. 

The signs of repressed childhood trauma in adults vary among individuals. The trauma experienced in childhood can be severe and pervasive. 

Well, many people have queried to know how does childhood trauma affect the brain! Well, our mind is entitled to react to certain situations accordingly. 

There could be various causes of the trauma experienced by the individual. It can be parental, domestic, or some sort of neglect. 

ACES can also include situations such as watching your parents fight over or having either side of a parent with mental illness. 

You must have got your answer for Can Childhood Trauma Affect You Later In Life or not. 

Now is the time to know about the symptoms of childhood trauma in adults

Symptoms Of Childhood Trauma In Adults

There are several ways through which symptoms can be addressed in people who are victims of childhood trauma. 

The symptoms could be emotional, behavioural, or physical, depending upon the severity of the trauma they went through. 

Listed below are some of the most common symptoms. 


#1: Symptoms Related to Emotion

●    Depression

●    Emotional Outbursts

●    Anxiety

●    Anger Issues

●    Inability to Respond


#2: Symptoms Related to Health

●    Lack of Energy

●    Shakiness

●    Inability to sleep

●    Feeling sluggish

●    Disruption while sleeping

●    Low concentrating power


#3: Symptoms Related to Behaviour

●    Staying isolated

●    Impulsive nature

●    Compulsive disorders

●    Eating Disorder

●    Callousness

Now that you got to know about the symptoms, you must be aware of the ways that might be helpful in healing your childhood trauma. 

Effective Ways to Heal your Childhood Trauma

If you are witnessing the severe psychological consequences of your trauma, there is still a ray of hope that you can cope with that. 

Here is how you can reclaim your life by following these tips:

#1: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

It’s basically psychotherapy that helps people heal from trauma. This includes a series of sessions with a therapist in which they educate the individuals on certain PTSD thoughts and skill development.

#2: Prolonged Exposure Therapy

It is the sub-type of cognitive-behavioral therapy in which the therapist straight up confronts the victim about their past traumatic event. 

It usually takes a period of 3 months and is considered to be one of the most effective ways to cope with trauma. 

#3: Play Therapy

It is one of the trauma healing therapies in which the experts utilize the power of play to help children get rid of their trauma. 

During this, the therapist basically observes the child through their way of playing and forms different strategies accordingly. 

#4: Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

It is quite similar to CBT and includes interventions and letting the subject gain info about humanistic principles and behavioral techniques.

So, mentioned above were some of the ways that can help you get away with your symptoms. 


Well, the intensity of the symptoms faced by individuals totally depends upon the severity of the trauma they went through in their childhood. 

In this blog, we discussed Can Childhood Trauma Affect You Later In Life. Well, there is no secret solution that could help you get rid of your trauma. 

However, there are some ways that you might consider treatment of your issue. 

Hope you found this article informative.  

Horizon Clinics
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