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How Medical Marijuana Doctors In California Will Help You

Medical Marijuana Doctors
How Medical Marijuana Doctors In California Will Help You

Medical marijuana doctors at Online Medical Card will help you at every step. All you have to do is talk to one of our health physicians and discuss your medical history. Once approved, you will receive a card from an MMJ Doctor. You can further use it to buy marijuana in the Golden State.

Online Medical Card is a reputable telemedicine platform servicing in California and other states. We house a team of medical marijuana doctors licensed by their state governments. Our platform allows you to see a physician from the comfort of your home.

To qualify for a medical marijuana doctor recommendation in California, you must be 18 years or older. You must also have a medical condition as listed under the state program. More importantly, you must have written consent from a marijuana doctor.

Besides this, you are also required to submit documents such as proof of residency. Other documents include your medical records and parental consent in case of a minor. As for proof of residency, you can submit your driver’s license no, state-issued ID, or passport.

Medical Marijuana Doctors
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