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Serum with collagen for face skin

Amanda Rollyn
Serum with collagen for face skin

Collagen cosmetics were at the top of the trend a few years ago. Creams, serums, masks, toners, foams for washing - it seems that collagen could be found in any product for the face, and a little later - for hands and body.

Today it is not a novelty, but an absolute must-have, which is included in many care products. Concentration, type of raw material, combination with other components, type of skincare products, and, importantly, country of origin - all play a role when choosing cosmetics with collagen.

What is collagen and what are its benefits?

Collagen is a filamentous protein that is found in all tissues of our body. Bones, tendons, hair, skin and nails, veins are all formed thanks to collagen. It literally glues the tissues of the body together and forms a single whole.

But with age, the amount of this "building material" inside us decreases. In addition to age, bad habits, and a lack of vitamins also play a role. Hence, there is sagging skin, wrinkles, and other accompanying signs. And the losses need to be replenished.

What is collagen for?

The very name of the protein comes from the Greek concept "kolla", which can be translated as "glue". Some experts draw a clear analogy - collagen molecules, like an adhesive, hold tissue cells together.

Collagen plays an important role in maintaining the youthfulness and beauty of the skin. Protein is responsible for its smoothness, firmness, strength, and elasticity. It stabilizes the oval of the face and evens out its tone. Collagen is also responsible for the regeneration of tissues after damage, accelerating the healing process.

The fiber content decreases with age. The face becomes flabby, dry, wrinkles appear. That is why cosmetologists especially recommend choosing beauty products with collagen content for women who have crossed the 30-year threshold.

In addition to age, other factors also affect the decrease in collagen content:

  • stress - due to the negative effect of the hormone cortisol on collagen;
  • excessive insolation (UV radiation) accelerates the destruction of collagen;
  • the use of large amounts of sugar increases the content of blood glucose, which reacts with collagen and elastin, disrupting their structure and function;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • bad habits and addictions (nicotine, alcohol).

A sufficient amount of collagen in the tissues provides the skin with:

  • resilience;
  • elasticity;
  • tone.

Lack of collagen leads to:

  • wipe skin firmness and elasticity;
  • the appearance of flabbiness;
  • the formation of wrinkles;
  • deformation of the oval of the face.

All of the above factors can be leveled out - do not leave the house without applying a UV protective cream (even in winter), use serums with collagen, give up alcohol and cigarettes, drink vitamin complexes, and include a sufficient amount of protein foods in the diet.

Collagen in cosmetics

In the composition of cosmetics - creams and serums - manufacturers, as a rule, include two types of collagens: animal, plant, and marine.

  1. Collagen of animal origin. It is excreted from the skin of pigs and cattle. Today, this type of collagen is prohibited for use in facial cosmetics due to the increased risk of infections and allergic reactions.
  2. Collagen of plant origin. Plants do not produce collagen. Therefore, when it comes to planting collagen, we mean hydrolyzed protein - an artificial material created on a plant basis. Most often these are wheat proteins and algae. Plant collagen is well accepted by the skin, but in essence, it is not collagen. And the production process is quite expensive and complicated.
  3. Marine collagen. It is isolated by a biotechnological method from fish skin and is considered the most acceptable since fish collagen is close to humans and is easily absorbed by the skin. The highest quality is considered to be freshwater fish collagen, which, unlike marine fish collagen, does not cause allergies.

Using InstaSkincare Collagen Serum, you will get all the half-full that collagen can provide to your face skin.

Amanda Rollyn
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