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6 Natural Home Remedies To Clear Clogged Ears

akhil hobby
6 Natural Home Remedies To Clear Clogged Ears

Ear clogging happens due to various reasons. It can be very irritating and also disrupt the functioning of the ears if not taken care of at the right time. Curb the symptoms and signs before the condition worsens. The discomfort caused due to blocked ears can be eased with the help of the effective remedies mentioned below.

  • Try Using Vicks VapoRub

Clogged ears, if left untreated, can result in a severe ear infection. The irritation caused due to clogging can be eased with the help of Vicks VapoRub. Methanol and eucalyptus make it best suitable to curb uneasiness. You have to take a generous amount of Vicks and apply it behind the clogged ear. Let it remain throughout the night for better results.


  • Apple Cider Vinegar Helps To Unblock The Ears

The acetic acid content in apple cider vinegar helps it alleviate the flu that resulted in the ear clogging. It also has anti-microbial properties which makes it one of the best natural remedies for clearing out the ear clog. Make an ear drop solution by combining apple cider vinegar and distilled water in an equal proportion (1 tablespoon of each). Use a maximum of 4 drops of the same on the clogged ear and cover the area with a cotton ball after which you must tilt your head to the other side.


  • Tea Tree Essential Oil Brings Down The Inflammation

Tea tree essential oil is known to bring you fast relief from ear irritation due to its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. This also helps your ears fight the harmful microbes and thus reduce the infection. Take a bowl of hot water and add in about 5 drops of tea tree oil. Cover your face well to prevent steam from escaping. Make sure that the affected ears face the bowl. The steam clears the clog.


  • Mineral Oil Brings You A Quick Relief

Excessive earwax build-up can be reduced with the help of mineral oil ear drops. It is indeed very effective in the elimination of ear clogging caused due to the accumulation of earwax. Use two drops of mineral oil on the blocked ear and tilt your head. Stay for about 5 minutes before you blot your ear with a clean towel or tissue paper.



  • Give Hydrogen Peroxide A Try

Hydrogen peroxide loosens the earwax. This quickens its removal and clears the ear. If you experience any kind of pain, redness, or itching due to ear clogging, never delay in consulting a good audiologist. Once the infection intensifies, none can predict the aftermath. Many times the ignored early signs and symptoms have resulted in partial or complete deafness. In case you have difficulty in hearing your doctor may suggest the usage of a good quality hearing aid to improve your ear health.


  • Salt Water Gargle Does Help

Saltwater gargle helps clear the nasal path and relieves the ear pain. It also regulated respiratory health. You have to take a cup of warm water and add half a teaspoon of salt. Mix well and gargle twice a day. This unblocks the ear and keeps it free of any infection. Try out these amazing home remedies and take care of your ears.





akhil hobby
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